-Text writen on the wall in bulgarian near by the other elements -
coquette е отвъд женското, надменният pedant отвъд мъжкото.
Благоразумната е прекалено мъжествена и един petit ma.tre,
прекалено женствен
Имануел Кант, За красотата и изкуството
ENG The coquette goes beyond the feminine;
the contemptuous pedant, beyond the masculine.
A prude is too masculine and a petit maître, too feminine.

Queen scar
Video Installation
elements : video proyection, marble and text
The scar is a sign that remains on the skin in the place of a healed wound.
The queen to be called as a “queen” , she also have to pass through this initiation rite.
Note: The sculpture was part of the exhibition Man, Woman and in-between at Vaska Emanuilova Gallery's - Sofia City Art Gallery (BG)